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  • Writer's picture susan kendal

Have you realized the magic of the sisterhood of widows?

I am so grateful for this opportunity to share in the sisterhood of widows at

My first blog in this space fills me with pride and a mix of trepidation and self-doubt. But, I am not concerned nor embarrassed because I know I shall be accepted. This audience of readers understands and can appreciate me like no other.

You, my fellow widows, have become my safe place. We found one another when our past worlds became foreign and uncomfortable. Upon becoming a widow, we were no longer viewed as the same person we once were. We became outliers amidst our friends and family.

Although still filled with love and support for us, they could not understand, nor relate, to the intricacies of our new journey. And, in reality, we didn’t know who we were becoming either.

Our identity had changed. One foot was trying to remain inside our old comfortable world and the other was being forced into a new reality – that of a widow.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my old friends and have (finally) found a comfortable space to join them -when invited - after six years of loss. But, many of these relationships have changed and some have even ended.

I finally understand. They have not changed…

I have.

And, regardless of how hard it is for me to accept the truth, I have to, if I am to move on.

Thankfully, we have found one another – our sisterhood.

Together, we shall adapt, grow, cry, thrive and better ourselves so we can continue moving forward.

Let’s stop trying to be the person we once were. That person has been altered forever.

Instead, let’s celebrate the new YOU & the new US!

Sisterhood of widows – what a fabulous gift.

I welcome comments and the opportunity to dialogue with you. Our shared stories help provide inspiration and strength for all.

forever evolving

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