I’ve been contemplating sending my message into cyberspace for a few years now, but I was really good at finding excuses to resist the urge.
Until now.
Alone in my home (with only my dog and the internet) during the covid-19 pandemic, I am running out of excuses.
The irony does not escape me. I am hoping to find a community of fellow widows who have decided that the time is NOW to claim their life back - in spite of their grief - during a pandemic.
I hope to chat with women who are ready for life again; women who have been to the edge of darkness but refused to jump. Women who are awakening and becoming their best! Women who have grown children so they are able and ready to move on to the next great thing (whatever that is).
Is now really that right time to open up and tell the world I am ready for my next step
Yes! How can I ignore the obvious? The stars have aligned and it’s time for me to delve inward and communicate outward.
I am determined to use my strength and fierceness to propel forward. I haven’t come all this way to back down now!!
In fact, it is because of Covid-19 that I believe our united voice is of even more value.
We are survivors! Many of the emotions that the world is experiencing now are not new for widows. We have navigated a life-altering new world filled with fear, panic, anxiety, stress and loneliness & we will never be able to go back to 'normal'. We have had to accept a new normal. In fact, it is only when we embrace this new reality that will we become whole again.
So ladies (yes, my community is for widows only at this time), are you ready to EVOLVE?
For now I would love to hear your voice. Let’s use our widow experience to inspire others.
What lesson can you share that might help others moving thru this pandemic?